Meet Dr. Robert Adams, DO
Healing Pathways to Living a Full Life
Our physical, emotional and spiritual health are interwoven and critical components to our core vitality, happiness and well-being. At times, life can challenge this balance of mind-body-spirit and disrupt our focus away from wellness priorities. As a result, commitments to self care, mindfulness and focus of maintaining vibrant health often get put aside.
When I find myself in this state of imbalance, recharging and getting back on track with my health priorities can take on many forms: date night with my wife Erin, wrestling with my kids, homeschooling field trips, and reading books as a family in the evenings. Another great way to feed my inner healing pathway is to make a conscious decision to “unplug” and become present with the environment around me.
Physical activity is an important part of my routine to restore energy and maintain a healthy mindset. Whether it’s hiking, rock climbing, snowboarding or walking hand-in-hand with my children, I gain personal strength from moving my body in a way that challenges me and leads me to a fuller life. The pursuit of knowledge can be a great source of healing and comfort for me, as well as service and encouraging others toward a spiritual path.
Unexplained Illness- Investing in Functional Medicine
Maintaining positive healthy habits has always been a focus in my family. Both my mother and grandmother worked diligently to provide "balanced meals" and a positive home environment. Despite their attempts and best intentions, my grandmother still developed dementia. I witnessed the helplessness, loss of hope and painful burden of the disease on the individual and our family. It was here where my curiosity for healing began and I chose to pursue a career in medicine.
Shortly after completing medical school and my residency program, I began to notice overwhelming and abnormal health concerns my mother was experiencing. Like so many, she had been to several physicians and continued to be frustrated with the ‘dead end’ diagnoses that didn't make sense or provide a clear solution. As a result, she continued to live with these debilitating conditions for years.
I continued to meet people both personally and professionally who were in search of a solution to their illness through a conventional medicine approach. It was at this time that I was introduced to the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) and the medical premise/model of treating the ‘Root Cause’ of disease and dysfunction.
Just after the birth of our fourth child, my wife started having concerns about her health. Aches, fatigue and mood swings were some of the symptoms she was suffering from. She had always been the epitome of health with no adverse medical issues. Her primary care physician ordered extensive blood work to test for the usual offenders, all of which came back negative.
I put the training I received through the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) to work. Together, my wife and I began to look for the ‘Root Cause’ of her ill-health. What had changed for her physically, biologically and emotionally; what were her triggers? In time, and with hard work and commitment, she improved enough to want to have another child. After the birth of our 5th child, we continued to work toward Erin’s health goals: to feel more like herself and lose weight. In the past, weight had not been an issue for her and despite her active lifestyle and healthy eating, she struggled. Once again, looking at the ‘Root Cause’ of her concerns we were able to help her get back to feeling like herself.
Using the IFM method of evaluation and treatment was also helpful in finding the underlying cause for my mom’s health issues. In retrospect, it could have also helped my grandmother treat her early onset symptoms of dementia that the classic medical model had been unable to explain. While I can’t go back in time to support my grandmother in her healing, it did help ignite a fire within me to help heal those I love and support others who are looking for a more long term, sustainable change in their health.
I look forward to helping you on your journey to balanced health and wellness.